Power Apps Host Object – Get Web Browser And O/S Details

Power Apps Host Object – Get Web Browser And O/S Details

The Power Apps host object allows us to get a session ID, the operating system, the user-agent or the tenant ID. It helps us understand the current hardware and environment the app is running in. This is very useful information to have when diagnosing Power Apps errors. In this article I will show you how to use the Power Apps host object.

Table of Contents
• Introduction: The Report A Bug ScreenSetup The SharePoint ListCreate A New Bug Report ScreenDetermine The BrowserUserAgentCheck The Operating SystemGet-The-Power-Apps-Session-IDObtain The Tenant IDSubmit The Bug Report To The SharePoint List

Introduction: The Report A Bug Screen

Users of an app can go to the “Report An App Bug” screen to report an issue to the developer. The bug report includes details about the browser user agent, the operating system, the Power Apps session ID and the tenant ID.

Setup The SharePoint List

Create a new SharePoint list with the following columns:

  • BugDescription (multiple lines of text)
  • BrowserUserAgent (single line text)
  • OS (single line text)
  • SessionID (single line text)
  • TenantID (single line text)

Create A New Bug Report Screen

Open Power Apps Studio and create a new canvas app from blank. Add rectangle to the top of the screen to make a titlebar. Add a label with the text “Report An App Bug” and also insert a bug icon.

Insert a new label with the words Tell Us What Went Wrong and a text input to capture a description of the bug.

Determine The BrowserUserAgent

The browser user agent contains information about the web browser being used to run the app. We can use this User Agent parsing tool to understand what the text string means.

Add a bold label with the words BrowserUserAgent to the app and another label where the value will be shown.

Use this code in the Text property of the label the determine BrowserUserAgent.


Check The Operating System

Power Apps can be run on many different operating systems including Windows, iOS, Android, and more. It is valuable to know the operating system because Power Apps can have different behavior on each one. To find which operating system is in use add a bold label with the title OS and then insert another label below it to show the value.

Write this code in the Text property of the label to show the operating system.


Get The Power Apps Session ID

The Power Apps session ID is useful when reporting errors because it can be passed to Microsoft in a help ticket. Microsoft has the ability to view telemetry and see exactly what went wrong.

Place a bold label with the text Session ID onto the screen and create another label below it to store the value.

Use this code in the Text property of the label to get the Power Apps Session ID.


Obtain The Tenant ID

The final piece of information we can grab from the Host object is the tenant id where the app is located. Add a bold label to the screen with the text Tenant ID and create another label below it to store the value.

Write this code in the Text property of the label to display the Session ID value.


Submit The Bug Report To The SharePoint List

Once the user has written the bug report the they press a submit button to write the form data to the SharePoint list. Go to the Power Apps Data menu and add the Bug Reports SharePoint list.

Insert a new button at the bottom of the screen with the text “Submit”.

Then use this code in the OnSelect property of the button to submit the bug report. The app will display a success message upon submission or an error message if there is some problem.

            'Bug Reports',
            Defaults('Bug Reports'),
                IssueDescription: txt_IssueDescription,
                BrowserUserAgent: lbl_BrowserUserAgentValue,
                OperatingSystem: lbl_OSValue,
                SessionID: lbl_SessionIDValue,
                TenantID: lbl_TenantIDValue
    Notify("Error: Bug could not be reported to the app developer"),
    Notify("Success: Bug was reported to the app developer")


If you have any questions or feedback about Power Apps Host Object – Get Web Browser And O/S Details please leave a message in the comments section below. You can post using your email address and are not required to create an account to join the discussion.

Matthew Devaney

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1 year ago

Awesome, great tutorial 🙂
Can definitely use this in the app

Felix Verduin
Felix Verduin
1 year ago

Great article Matthew! I am already logging unhandled errors in my applications. How does this incorporate with automated unhandled error logging? Do you think there is a place for both?

Drew Thompson
1 year ago

Another great tutorial. The developer can also use the session id to much more information with Azure App Insights – Analyze system-generated logs using Application Insights – Power Apps | Microsoft Learn

Richard Gutierrez
Richard Gutierrez
1 year ago

Have you given any thought on how to modify this process to enable it to function as a component? Obviously additional parameters (like the SP site, list, app name, etc) would be required, but this would allow us to roll it out to all of our citizen developers as a standard debug option.

Felix Verduin
Felix Verduin
1 year ago

Great Matthew! Really like it. I already automatically log unhandled errors. Could I combine this with the automated logging? What do you think?

1 year ago

Good day! I work on a GCC platform and I do not have the “Host” option under App. Is there another solution to obtain this information for canvas apps? And is there a solution for model-drive apps?

10 months ago

Hey Matt, is there a way to check when that session ended? Maybe in Power Automate

Gianluca M
Gianluca M
9 months ago

Great article! I’ll add the session and tenant ID right away to mine!

Additionally, I found it very useful to have these properties as well:

“Device type: ” & If(And(!IsBlank(Acceleration.X), Acceleration.X<>0), “Mobile”, “Computer”)

“Network: ” & If(Connection.Connected, “connected”, “n/a”) & If(Connection.Metered, ” (WAN)”, ” (LAN)”)

“Browser locale: ” & Language()

Gianluca M
Gianluca M
9 months ago

Hi Matthew, sure you can!