The Complete Power Automate Functions List

The Complete Power Automate Functions List

Welcome to The Complete Power Automate Functions List.

On this page you will find a categorized list of 140+ Power Automate functions with links to the official documentation. Power Automate already has an official functions list so why did I do this?

  • I wanted a functions cheat sheet where I could quickly see all the functions and how to write them
  • Organizing all of the functions into categories makes it easier to discover new ones
  • Gaps in the official Power Automate documentation can be filled-in with my own commentary

I hope you enjoy the Power Automate Functions List.

Table Of Contents:
‱  Text Functions
‱  Collection Functions
‱  Logical Comparison Functions
‱  Conversion Functions
‱  Math Functions
‱  Date And Time Functions
‱  Workflow Functions
‱  URI Parsing Functions
‱  JSON & XML Manipulation Functions

Text Functions

chunk Split a string or collection into equal-length chunks. collection text
concat Combine multiple strings into one. text1 text2
endsWith Check if a string ends with a specified substring. text searchText
formatNumber Convert a number to a string based on a specified format. number format locale
guid Generate a globally unique identifier (GUID) as a string. format
indexOf Find the starting position of a substring. text searchText
isFloat Check if a string is a floating-point number. value locale
isInt Check if a string is an integer. string
lastIndexOf Find the starting position of the last occurrence of a substring. text searchText
length Count the items in a string. collection
nthIndexOf Find the starting position of the nth occurrence of a substring. text searchText occurence
replace Replace a substring with another string. text oldText newText
slice Return a substring based on starting and ending positions. text startIndex endIndex
split Split a string into an array of substrings based on a specified delimiter. text delimiter
startsWith Check if a string starts with a specified substring. text searchText
substring Return characters from a string starting at a specified position. text startIndex length
toLower Convert a string to lowercase. text
toUpper Convert a string to uppercase. text
trim Remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string. text

Collection Functions

chunk Split a collection into equal-length parts. collection length
contains Check if a collection contains an item. collection value
empty Check if a collection is empty. collection
first Return the first item in a collection. first
intersection Return common items in specified collections. collection1 collection2
item Get the current item in a loop. value locale
join Combine array items into a string with a specified delimiter. collection delimiter
last Return the last item in a collection. collection
length Count the items in an array collection
reverse Reverse the order of array items. collection
skip Remove and return items after a specified count. collection count
sort Sort items in a collection collection sortBy
take Return the first few items in a collection. collection count
union Combine items from multiple collections. collection1 collection2

Logical Comparison Functions

and Check if all expressions are true. expression1 expression2
equals Check if both values are equal. object1 object2
greater Check if the first value is greater than the second. value compareTo
greaterOrEquals Check if the first value is greater than or equal to the second. value compareTo
if Return a value based on whether an expression is true or false. expression valueIfTrue valueIfFalse
isFloat Check if a string is a floating-point number. value locale
isInt Check if a string is an integer. string
less Check if the first value is less than the second. value compareTo
lessOrEquals Check if the first value is less than or equal to the second. value compareTo
not Check if an expression is false. expression
or Check if at least one expression is true. expression1 expression2

Conversion Functions

array Convert a single input to an array. value
base64 Encode a string to base64. value
base64ToBinary Convert a base64 string to binary. value
base64ToString Convert a base64 string to plain text. value
binaryConvert an input to binary.value
bool Convert an input to a Boolean value. value
createArray Convert an input to a Boolean value. object1 object2
dataUri Get the data URI of an input. value
dataUriToBinary Convert a data URI to binary. value
dataUriToString Convert a data URI to plain text. value
decimal Convert a decimal string to a decimal number. value
decodeBase64 Decode a base64 string to plain text. value
decodeDataUri Convert a data URI to binary. value
decodeUriComponent Decode a URI component. value
encodeUriComponent Encode a URI component. value
float Convert an input to a floating point number. value
int Convert a string to an integer. value
json Parse a string or XML as JSON. value
string Convert an input to a string. value
uriComponent Encode an input as a URI component. value
uriComponentToBinary Convert a URI component to binary. value
uriComponentToString Convert a URI component to plain text. value
Convert a string to XML. value

Math Functions

add Add two numbers. number1 number2
div Divide two numbers. divided divisor
max Get the highest value in a set or array number1 number2
min Get the lowest value in a set or array number1 number2
mod Get the remainder of division. divided divisor
mul Multiply two numbers. number1 number2
rand Generate a random integer in a specified range minValue maxValue
range Create an integer array from a starting number startIndex count
sub Subtract two numbers. number1 number2

Date And Time Functions

addDays Add days to a timestamp. timestamp days format
addHours Add hours to a timestamp. timestamp hours format
addMinutes Add minutes to a timestamp. timestamp minutes format
addSeconds Add seconds to a timestamp. timestamp seconds format
addToTime Add specified time units to a timestamp. timestamp interval timeUnit format
convertFromUtc Convert UTC to the target time zone. timestamp destinationTimeZone format
convertTimeZone Convert between time zones. timestamp sourceTimeZone destinationTimeZone format
convertToUtc Convert to UTC from a time zone. timestamp sourceTimeZone format
dateDifference Get the difference between two dates. startDate endDate
dayOfMonth Get the day of the month. timestamp
dayOfWeek Get the day of the week. timestamp
dayOfYear Get the day of the year. timestamp
formatDateTime Format a timestamp timestamp format locale
getFutureTime Get current time plus specified units. interval timeUnit format
getPastTime Get current time minus specified units. interval timeUnit format
parseDateTime Parse a string to a timestamp. timestamp locale format
startOfDay Get the start of the day. timestamp format
startOfHour Get the start of the hour. timestamp format
startOfMonth Get the start of the month. timestamp format
subtractFromTime Subtract time units from a timestamp. timestamp interval timeUnit format
ticks Get the ticks value for a timestamp. timestamp
utcNow Get the current UTC timestamp. format

Workflow Functions

action Get the current action’s output. property
actionBody Get an action’s body output. actionName
actionOutputs Get an action’s output at runtime actionName
actions Get an action’s output at runtime, or values from other JSON name-and-value pairs actionName property
body Get an action’s body output. actionName
formDataMultiValues Create an array with values matching a key name. actionName key
formDataValue Get a value matching a key name. actionName key
item Get the current item in a loop.
items Get the current item in a loop.
iterationIndexes Get the index value in an Until loop. actionName
listCallbackUrl Get the “callback URL” for a trigger or action.text
multipartBody Get the body for a part in a multipart output. actionName index
outputs Get an action’s output. actionName
parameters Get the value of a parameter. parameterName
result Get inputs and outputs from scoped actions. scopedActionName
trigger Get a trigger’s output.
triggerBody Get a trigger’s body output.
triggerFormDataValue Get a value matching a key name in trigger outputs. key
triggerMultipartBody Get the body for a part in a trigger’s output. index
triggerFormDataMultiValues Create an array with values matching a key name.
triggerOutputs Get a trigger’s output. key
variables Get the value of a variable. variableName
workflow Get details about the workflow. property

URI Parsing Functions

uriHost Get the host value of a URI.uri
uriPath Get the path value of a URI.uri
uriPathAndQuery Get the path and query of a URI.uri
uriPort Get the port value of a URI.uri
uriQuery Get the query value of a URI.uri
uriScheme Get the scheme value of a URI.uri

JSON & XML Manipulation Functions

addProperty Add a property and its value to a JSON object. object property value
coalesce Return the first non-null value from one or more parameters value1 value2
removeProperty Remove a property from a JSON object. object property
setProperty Set a property value in a JSON object. object property value
xpath Return nodes or values matching an XPath. xml path


If you have any questions about The Complete Power Automate Functions List please leave a message in the comments section below. You can post using your email address and are not required to create an account to join the discussion.

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Phil Nichols
Phil Nichols
3 months ago

This is the best thing ever thank you.

prashant kumar
prashant kumar
3 months ago

thank you do much for sharing such cascaded information, it helped me and will help many beginners to understand the functionality from common page

3 months ago

Thank very much! It was always a bit difficult to review it

May Meckes
May Meckes
3 months ago

This is why Devaney is the GOAT.

May Meckes
May Meckes
3 months ago

That’s me! Humbled that you remember that.

John Bullock
John Bullock
3 months ago

Great information here, thanks for compiling it.
I subscribed, but can’t seem to download the PDF of this information

John Bullock
John Bullock
3 months ago

Thank you, Sir, that worked for me.

1 month ago

I have a question regarding using Proper Case with acronyms. I like the look of Proper Case, but we use quite a few acronyms. Have you run across something like this? Is there a solution?

1 month ago

thank you

21 days ago

Its really very Helpful.. Thank you So Much Devaney