Make A Calendar In Power Apps – Part 2

Make A Calendar In Power Apps – Part 2

This the 2nd article in a tutorial series where you will learn how to build a calendar app in Power Apps. In part 1 we learned how to make a basic calendar using a gallery and created buttons to change the current month. In part 2 we will display events from a SharePoint list on the calendar and add several features to add a new event, edit an event and delete an events.

If you haven’t read Part 1 yet I would highly encourage you to read it first.

Displaying Events On The Calendar

A common use for a calendar app is to display company events. In this example, we will use a calendar to show when a company is holding employee training.

Create a new SharePoint list called ‘Training Events List’ including the columns: Title (single-line text), StartDateTime (date & time), EndDateTime (date & time) and description (multiple-line text). Input this data into the list.

Health & Safety Course11/3/2020 9:00AM11/3/2020 11:00AMevent description goes here
Health & Safety Course11/10/2020 9:00AM11/10/2020 11:00AMevent description goes here
Health & Safety Course11/17/2020 9:00AM11/17/2020 11:00AMevent description goes here
Health & Safety Course11/24/2020 9:00AM11/24/2020 11:00AMevent description goes here
I/T Security Course11/10/2020 2:00PM11/10/2020 3:00PMevent description goes here
I/T Security Course11/20/2020 11:00AM11/20/2020 12:00PMevent description goes here
I/T Security Course11/25/2020 4:30PM11/25/2020 5:30PMevent description goes here
Corporate Ethics Training11/5/2020 1:30PM11/5/2020 3:30PMevent description goes here
Corporate Ethics Training11/19/2020 1:30PM11/19/2020 3:30PMevent description goes here
New Employee Onboarding11/10/2020 8:00AM11/10/2020 10:00AMevent description goes here
New Employee Onboarding11/17/2020 8:00AM11/17/2020 10:00AMevent description goes here

Once you’ve entered the events into SharePoint open the calendar app and connect it to the ‘Training Events List’.

The basic calendar is already setup but we must make a change to the gallery so it calculates both the current day and the next day. This is important because it helps us avoid a delegation warning when filtering the training events by date.

Replace any code in the Items property of gal_Calendar_Days with this code.

    {Value: varFirstDayOfMonth + Value - 1 - Weekday(
    ) + 1,
    NextDay: varFirstDayOfMonth + Value - 1 - Weekday(
    ) + 2}

Now we are ready to add events to the calendar. To do this we will use a technique called ‘nested galleries’ which means to put a gallery inside another gallery. Select the 1st cell in gal_Calendar_Days and insert a new blank vertical gallery called gal_Calendar_Events.

Write this code in the Items property of gal_Calendar_Events to filter on only the current day’s events.

    'Training Events List',
    StartDateTime < ThisItem.NextDay
    And EndDateTime >= ThisItem.Value 

We also want to apply styling to gal_Calendar_Events so the events appear nicely formatted on the calendar. Put this code in the following properties.

TemplateFill: Pink
TemplatePadding: 1
TemplateSize: Self.Height/3

After doing this you will see several pink lines appear on the calendar on the dates with training events. One more step is needed to display the event titles as shown below. Insert a new label into the gal_Calendar_Events gallery…

…then write this code in the Text property of the label.


Editing An Event

The next feature we want to add is the ability for an employee to edit a training event. When the employee clicks on an event a pop-up menu will appear. Once the user is done making changes they click the OK button to submit them to SharePoint.

Click on the gal_Calendar_Events gallery…

and write this code in the OnSelect property.

// store the 'clicked on' event in a variable
// make the pop-up form appear

Next, we will create the pop-up form by making two new labels. The first label called lbl_Event_Clickshield will be the size of the entire screen. Its purpose is to prevent the user from clicking anything while the pop-up is open.

Put this code in the following properties of lbl_Event_Clickshield.

Fill: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
Height: App.Height
Width:  App.Width

Then place another label on top called lbl_Event_Base which will be the background of our menu. Change the Fill property to this color.


Now we will begin to create the contents of the form. Start by adding a label with the text ‘Edit Event’.

Below ‘Edit Event’ insert another label with the text ‘Title’ and a text input called txt_Event_Title beside it.

Use this code in the Default property of the text input. It will show the title of the ‘clicked on’ event.


Every training event is held on a specific date. Add a label with the text ‘Start Date’ and a Date Picker named dte_Event_StartDate to the right of it.

Use this code in the Default property of the date picker to show the start date. We are using an IF function here to show today’s date instead when a new event is being added (which will be implemented later on).

    // when adding a new event default to today
    // when editing an event use its date

Training events must also have a start time. Place a label with the text ‘Start Time’ on the menu and a dropdown control called drp_Event_StartTime beside it.

This code will determine the start time of the training event. Write this code in the Items and Default properties of the dropdown.

ForAll(Sequence(96), Time(0,Value*15-15,0))


Another pair of controls is required here to show the training event’s end date and end time. Name the date picker dte_Event_EndDate and the dropdown drp_Event_EndDate.

Almost identical code to start date and time goes in these controls. Put this code in the Default property of the date picker…


…and write this code in the Items and Default properties of the dropdown.

ForAll(Sequence(96), Time(0,Value*15-15,0))


Finally, we will add a label with the text ‘Description’ and a text input called txt_Event_Description. Change the text input to multi-line mode so a longer description can be written.

Use this code in the Default property of the text input to show the training event description.


Submit, Cancel And Delete Buttons

The employee can now fill in the pop-up menu fields but any changes won’t actually save back to SharePoint list until we write some more code. Make a new button with the text ‘OK’ and position it in the bottom-right hand corner of the menu.

To save the record back to SharePoint place this code inside the OnSelect property of the button. You may notice that the PATCH function only has two arguments here. We are using PATCH in a special way that allows us to update a record when it exists in SharePoint, otherwise, add a new record. This will come in handy later when we make an ‘add event’ feature.

// save the record back to SharePoint
    'Training Events List',
            ID: varCurrentEvent.ID,
            Title: txt_Event_Title.Text,
            StartDateTime: dte_Event_StartDate.SelectedDate
                + drp_Event_StartTime.Selected.Value,
            EndDateTime: dte_Event_EndDate.SelectedDate
                + drp_Event_EndTime.Selected.Value,
            Description: txt_Event_Description.Text

// hide the pop-up menu

// reset all fields to default values

An employee might also decide that they don’t want to actually make any changes. Create a cancel and icon place it in the top-right corner of the menu.

Write this code in the OnSelect property of the icon to close the menu without saving.

// hide the pop-up menu
Set(varShowEventForm, false);

// reset all fields to default values

We also want to include the ability for an employee to delete an event. Make another Trash icon along with a ‘Delete Event’ label and put it in the bottom-left corner of the menu.

Copy this code into the OnSelect property of the trash icon and ‘delete event’ text.

// remove the record from SharePoint
    'Training Events List',
        'Training Events List',
        ID = varCurrentEvent.ID

// hide the pop-up menu
Set(varShowEventForm, false);

// reset all fields to default values

Now that we’ve created all of the controls on the form the last step is to select all of them and…

…write this code in the Visible property so the form appears/disappears when expected.


This would be a good point to test out all of the features we just added and make sure the changes are writing to SharePoint as expected.

Adding An Event

Adding events will be relatively simple now that the pop-up menu is created. Make an add icon and a label with the text ‘Add Event’. Position them in the top right corner of the calendar.

Write this code in the OnSelect property of the add icon and label. Setting varCurrentEvent to blank will indicate a new record.


The last thing we need to is change the pop-up menu title to ‘New Event’ when an event is being added.

Replace the code in the label’s text property with this code to make it dynamically display the correct words.

If(IsBlank(varCurrentEvent),"New Event", "Edit Event")

The add event feature is now implemented. Try adding a new event for yourself to make sure the app works.


If you have any questions or feedback about Make A Calendar In Power Apps – Part 2 please leave a message in the comments section below. You can post using your email address and are not required to create an account to join the discussion.

Matthew Devaney

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4 years ago

This is great! Thanks! can this be added to Outlook calendar?

4 years ago

Thanks Matt for the detailed Calendar app! I just got a task to create a leave request app, and this calendar is perfect for it! Thank you so much!! You are my life saver!

4 years ago

Very nice job there Matt’! ?

4 years ago

Thanks Matthew, great post as always!
Once these events are added, would it possible to create RSVP, I’m thinking event calendar where Team-A can put all events and anyone in the company can come to this app and RSVP to these events. These pushes calendar invite to the users and organizer.
Do you think it’s possible?

4 years ago

This is awesome. Do you think it would be possible to display events that span several days? For example to display employee leave?

I don’t need to add events within PowerApps as my app adds them to a SharePoint calendar but it would be very useful for managers to be able to view existing leave when making a decision on whether to approve. Also for employees to view other people’s leave.

4 years ago

Actually, with current formula it is not showing entries extending over multiple days, I even tried with exact data but the result is same. Single day entries are coming fine but if start and end date has difference of more than 24 hours its not showing, can you suggest what could be wrong?

4 years ago

Great,Thanks, worked like a charm.

I used below and it worked as well, but thanks for detailed blog series on Calendar:

‘Training Events List’,
‘Start Date’ <= ThisItem.Value 
&& ‘End Date’ >= ThisItem.Value

3 years ago

Hey Matthew,
Above filter works for multiple day events but it is Showing an extra day of event in the Calendar for multi day events, For single day events it is working fine.
i.e. I have added a 3 day event but it is showing in 4 days in the calendar.
Can you help me with this problem

Last edited 3 years ago by Imran
2 years ago

Greetings Matthew,

What is the best way to handle a situation where the EndDate is optional? Only used for events that are longer than a single day.

I created a calculated column in my SharePoint using the following


But for whatever reason, it does not seem to be working. I refreshed the connection. It no longer shows a “red” warning, just a “yellow” triangle caution alert stating the filter might not work on larger data sets, 500+, but I have less than 20 records.


Okay, so it appears that calculated columns might not be able to be used in sorts and filters


SOLUTION was to add the following Or statement

  HolidayStart < ThisItem.NextDay
  And HolidayEnd >= ThisItem.Value Or HolidayStart = ThisItem.NextDay

Last edited 2 years ago by Jason
1 year ago

Unfortunately, this does not work when you have multiple overlapping events that span several days and either start or end on differing days. The gallery row event will be offset from their adjacent days.

P. Ma
P. Ma
1 year ago
Reply to  Rob

Hi Rob, I ran into the same issue here. Did you ever find a way to fix this?

3 months ago
Reply to  Rob

Rob, if you see this, how did you get the different colours for each event?

27 days ago
Reply to  Rob

How did you get the different colours for each event?

Last edited 27 days ago by John
4 years ago

Could you give a tip about what should be placed in the Items property of the drp_Event_StartTime dropdown? I am not sure how you managed to get it to display with the time so easily.

4 years ago

Thanks, Matthew, for such a descriptive blog, it cleared majority of the doubts related to Calendars in Power Apps.

4 years ago

This is really great, was trying to follow blog but for some reason it does not show me event time. shows in number 0,1,2
Any thoughts?

4 years ago
Reply to  GKK

Sorry, also I am trying to patch this to another list to make this as Event Calendar and users can RSVP. Sorry if I am asking for too much help here.

4 years ago
Reply to  GKK

Wow I figured Patch to different list myself. Still trying to figure time from your blog

4 years ago

I’m also having difficulty in that it is not showing me anything at all. Here is my formula — (MD is added into my variable name)

ForAll(Sequence(96), Time(0,Value*15-15,0))


“The error message I’m getting is Unexpected characters. Characters are used in the formula in an unexpected way.”

4 years ago

Matt — Murphy’s Law — after looking it over oh-so-many times before submitting my note — I went back one more and found the error. I’d put the entire thing in the drop down before and expected “Items” did not belong that – that you did — in fact — mean to begin at the ForAll. However, when I deleted the “Items”:, I still s showed an error so I felt something might be wrong. The error remained — of course — because I’d left all the info following “Default…” in the formula!

Thanks – this is great! You also saved my life on an earlier problem today! I’ll note it when I get back to it!

4 years ago

Another great one Matthew. These always seem very timely for me and show me not only some great functions but a better way of approaching and designing. Thanks again!

4 years ago

Hie Matthew thank you for sharing this
for some reason the title of the event doesnt displays using code : Thisitem.Title may be this has to be defined earlier as well?

4 years ago

I’ve run into an issue with Patch. Any idea why I keep getting this message? “Invalid argument type (Table). Expecting a record value instead.”

Thank you.

4 years ago
Reply to  Cindy

I also have the same error.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maik

It’s pretty late the answer, but i want to say it for other people who might have the same issue. In my case, the problem on the formula was the fact that i had in Sharepoint the “Title” column renamed in “Auto”, so the fomula at the end was

Title: TxtInp_Event_Auto.Text

instead of the

Auto: TxtInp_Event_Auto.Text

The problem can be something like that, or at least in my case was this one and the output error was the same.

4 years ago

I’m sorry to come back to this again, but want to provide more information.

In my gallery of calendar events, I have the label that shows the calendar items. It has “ThisItem.’Event/Initiative’. I am getting the message “ThisItem.’Event/Initiative’ = This formula uses scope which is not presently supported for evaluation. Data Type: text

However, it does show my events in the right locations on my calendar – beautifully.

I’ve also checked all my source fields to ensure they are exactly as you asked us to set up and they are.

Just thinking this is related to my Patch issue since all the fields in Patch look good; just can’t be past the “Invalid argument type…” in my OnSelect of the submit (OK) button.

4 years ago

Please disregard this…I’ve complete rebuilt it and all is working fine. Love your teaching style!

4 years ago

That is so great and helpful for me !thank you Matt’.
And I would like to ask a question about how to set multiple dates (like weekly meeting) at the same time?For example , if I want to choose a meeting every Monday at 8:00 AM for a whole month at a time.

Matthew Devaney
Matthew Devaney
4 years ago
Reply to  Irene

Some code like this would create meetings on the same day 4 weeks in a row. You would put this code in the submit button. A dropdown could be created to choose the number of days.

  Sequence(4) As tblNumberOfMeetings,
    ‘Training Events List’,
        ID: varCurrentEvent.ID,
        Title: txt_Event_Title.Text,
          + (tblNumberOfMeetings[@Value] * 7)
          + drp_Event_StartTime.Selected.Value,
          + (tblNumberOfMeetings[@Value] * 7)
          + drp_Event_EndTime.Selected.Value,
        Description: txt_Event_Description.Text

4 years ago

Matthew, your stuff is great, I’m so glad I found it!.

Question: would this calendar be possible with the “Events List” being created/populated with Excel worksheet instead of a Sharepoint list?

4 years ago

Hi, Thank you so much for this awesome guide.
Do you have a tip on how to avoid conflict booking?

Thanks again!

4 years ago

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for your reply. I gave it a go but I think something is wrong with my formula although power apps is not giving me any info what’s wrong. Would you be able to help, please?

On the Onselect property of the OK button, I added this:

If(dte_Event_StartDate.SelectedDate+drp_Event_StartTime.Selected.Value >=dte_Event_StartDate.SelectedDate+ drp_Event_StartTime.Selected.Value && dte_Event_EndDate.SelectedDate+drp_Event_EndTime.Selected.Value <= dte_Event_EndDate.SelectedDate+drp_Event_EndTime.Selected.Value = true || dte_Event_StartDate.SelectedDate+ drp_Event_StartTime.Selected.Value <= dte_Event_EndDate.SelectedDate+drp_Event_EndTime.Selected.Value && dte_Event_EndDate.SelectedDate+drp_Event_EndTime.Selected.Value>=dte_Event_EndDate.SelectedDate+drp_Event_EndTime.Selected.Value = true, DisplayModeDisabled,DisplayMode.Edit);

I’m so sorry for asking too much, I’m quite new to power apps and I’m still trying to learn. Really appreciate your help. Thanks!

Last edited 4 years ago by Vanessa
4 years ago

Hi Matthew,

Would you be able to do a Part3 of this tutorial to include recurring dates and avoid conflict booking? I was able to follow your tutorial as it was so clear and you made everything so easy but now I’m stuck. Please. Thank you so much!

4 years ago

Thanks Matthew! I got the conflict booking to work, thanks to you!!!

I put this in Display Mode

If(Start >= Start && End <= End = true, DisplayMode.Disabled, DisplayMode.Edit)

Do you have any trick on how on recurring dates?
I need to put in daily, weekly and monthly.

I tried to follow your post above but the startdate post as the next day and not the date selected:

  Sequence(4) As tblNumberOfMeetings,
    ‘Training Events List’,
        ID: varCurrentEvent.ID,
        Title: txt_Event_Title.Text,
          + (tblNumberOfMeetings[@Value] * 7)
          + drp_Event_StartTime.Selected.Value,
          + (tblNumberOfMeetings[@Value] * 7)
          + drp_Event_EndTime.Selected.Value,
        Description: txt_Event_Description.Text

How can I manipulate this to make daily, weekly and monthly recurring? and also be able to edit and delete recurring bookings? Appreciate your help. Thank you so much!

3 years ago

Hi Matthew,
I got the validation for duplicate date range to work on the calendar app that I’m building. I tested the sequence function separately to create recurring meetings and it worked but when I combined it together, it does create recurring meeting but it stopped validating for conflict date range.
My SharePoint list has StartDateTime and EndDateTime column. I set the Start and End as below and from there set the conflict as varRecord and if it’s empty it should patch with the sequence function. If it’s not blank, then I should get notification error.
Set(Start, start.SelectedDate + stime.Selected.Value);
Set(End, end.SelectedDate + etime.Selected.Value);
Set(varRecord, LookUp(‘Anchorage Working Calendar’, StartDateTime <= Start && EndDateTime > Start || StartDateTime > Start && EndDateTime <= End || StartDateTime < Start && EndDateTime > End));
ForAll(Sequence(Value(‘days/weeks’.Text)) As recurringmeetings,Patch(‘Anchorage Working Calendar’, {‘Client Name’: Client.Text, StartDateTime: start.SelectedDate+(recurringmeetings[@Value]*7)+stime.Selected.Value, EndDateTime:end.SelectedDate+(recurringmeetings[@Value]*7)+etime.Selected.Value})),
Notify(“Date Conflict, Booking already exist for selected date and time!”, NotificationType.Error));
Not sure what I’m doing wrong  ?  Any advise please. Thanks!

3 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

Hi Matthew,

I found out the problem why the conflict is not working, it’s because when I use the sequence it patches the date from startdate to enddate and not individual booking time for the selected date range.

With this formula, I can now show booking correctly in SharePoint but it only displays the first day then the next 7days after that, not the days within the selected date range

ForAll(Sequence(Value(recurring.Text),0, 1) As recurringmeetings, Patch(‘SP’, {ID:varCurrentEvent.ID,’Client Name’: drp_ClientName.Selected.Clients, StartDateTime: sDate.SelectedDate+(recurringmeetings[@Value]*7)+sTime.Selected.Value, EndDateTime:sDate.SelectedDate+(recurringmeetings[@Value]*7)+eTime.Selected.Value})),

How can I tweak this formula to show in SP all the time I booked for the selected date range?

Lets say I’m bookings for March 2 -5 from at 6am-8pm and make this booking to occur 2x, I need SP to show entry each from March 2-5 with 6am – 8pm start and end time.

Using the above formula I can see booking for March 2 and March 9 both 6-8am but the rest of the booking within the date range selected is not showing.

I should be able to see from March 2-5 then from March 9-12 same time 6-8am. I tried to follow the sequence tricks that you have but I can’t seem to figure it out. Help, please. Thanks!

Best regards,

3 years ago

Hi Matthew,
My app is working perfectly now. My conflict as well as recurring booking is working.
I have one last question though, how can I sort the calendar events to show by ascending startdatetime ?
I followed your instructions, my nested calendar gallery events items is set to :
Filter(‘Anchorage Working Calendar’,  StartDateTime < ThisItem.NextDay
  And EndDateTime >= ThisItem.Value 
The text label in the gallery events is set to:
ThisItem.’Client Name’ & ” ” & Text(ThisItem.StartDateTime,DateTimeFormat.ShortTime) & ” “& Text(ThisItem.EndDateTime,DateTimeFormat.ShortTime)
It’s working but I can’t make it to sort the earliest time booked at the top. Somehow, I need the event to appear with this sorting rule:

SortByColumns(‘Anchorage Working Calendar’,”StartDateTime”, Ascending) but when I change the gallery events item to this, I’m getting all sorts of error. Any advice, please? Thanks again. Appreciate your help.


3 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

Hi, Sorry to bother. Ignore this, I figured it out. Thank you so much! I really appreciate all your help and I always check your tips and tricks. Thanks again!

Best regards,

Erik Labuschagne
Erik Labuschagne
1 year ago
Reply to  Vanessa

Hi Vanessa,

Could you please share your approach?

Magnus Meyer
Magnus Meyer
3 years ago

Dear Matt,

Thanks for your great guides and tutorials!!
What would say is the best way to create a “global launch” app?
I am experimenting with creating an app with an overview of all relevant countries and their respective deadlines (2-5 per country from now till end-2022) and an “upcoming deadlines” on the landing page.

How would it be best to build this so people can edit the dates on the “backend” or in the app. Would it be best to build it from an excel sheet or a Sharepoint list or something different?

Many many thanks from Denmark,

Luis Carraquico
Luis Carraquico
3 years ago

Hello , thanks for the calendar!!! I have a question ? Well i have my calendar and i want to display on the calendar more than one person have vacations but the person on question are connected to another sharepoint list that have a project , i want to select the project on a dropdown and show all peoples that are on vacations … i have the dropdown ok, and i can display only one static person… Some ideias ? Thank You

Luis Carraquico
Luis Carraquico
3 years ago

Thanks, Matthem it´s done!!!

3 years ago

Hello Matthew! This is very helpful, your post is supporting me to build a time planner for my company. I have only one issue, where I live the start day of the week is always Monday. How can I get Monday instead of Sunday in the header? Thank you very much!