I Switched Careers To Become A Power Platform Developer. Ask Me Anything.

My name is Matthew Devaney, and I quit my 6-figure job as a certified professional accountant to become a Power Platform developer. I am self-taught developer who began learning the Power Platform at 32 years old. I did not go to school to become a programmer, nor did I work in the IT department. But I still managed to get a job as a Power Platform developer.
Microsoft featured my “career switcher story” at the 2022 Power Platform Conference where they announced the Power Up Program. It is a free online Power Platform course for people who do not have any prior coding experience. After the conference, many people started to contact me with their questions.
Now I want to help you land you dream job and become a Power Platform developer too!
Ask me anything. I will respond with actionable advice and insights based on my own experience.
Update 2022-10-17 5PM CST: The Ask Me Anything event is now done and I have received 30+ questions! Over the next few days I will be working hard to answer every question that was submitted. Those who provided an email will be notified be notified once I have responded. Thank you to everyone who participated for making this event a huge success! If you want to participate the next time I do an “Ask Me Anything” subscribe to my blog and you’ll receive a notification when it happens. 👉 https://www.matthewdevaney.com/subscribe/ |
AMA Rules
🙂 I will answer questions about switching careers or how to become a Power Platform developer
😊 I will also answer questions about how to learn Power Platform (Apps, Automation, etc.)
⛔ I will not answer off-topic technical questions
📝 My responses will be posted on this page as I receive them
🎥 Additionally, I may choose to read your response during a live AMA session
1. Motivation
Question From Derek: Just wanted to reach out to you after seeing your video as part of the Microsoft Power Up Program. I am thinking of taking the course myself but wanted to reach out to people whom have already taken it. I am in my 50’s and not afraid of technology, but definitely not a super user of it. I was just curious what made you decide to get into learning this new skill set and starting a new career when you already seemed to have employment working as a CPA?” |
Matt’s Response: Accounting is a very repetitive job. Each month I had to perform the same tasks in exactly the same way while making zero mistakes. Standardized processes are good candidates for automation. I thought if I learned some programming skills I could automate a significant portion of my job. I started by learning Excel functions, then went onto VBA, and eventually Power Query. The impact knowing how to code made on my personal productivity was stunning. I was literally able to do the work of two people rather than one. And coding made my job alot more fun. I was challenged each day by figuring out how to automate my work. My boredom was completely cured! After several years in accounting, I also decided that I did not want to try for a management position. I had no passion for accounting and therefore I had no ambition to lead an accounting team. I thought I would be stuck as an Accountant for the rest of my life. Then I found out about Power Apps and began making apps as a hobby in my spare time. I worked hard at it every evening for 2 years until I became good enough to be hired as a developer. I love my new job because there is a new challenge every day. And I also found I do have the ambition to lead projects because I like what I do. |
2. Picking The Right Coding Language
Another Question From Derek: Do you foresee Power Platform training to be useful and in demand for many years in the future? I assume you do or else you wouldn’t have invested time into it – but I wonder if focusing on Power BI, SQL, or Python would also be worthwhile.” |
Matt’s Response: The right technology to learn is the one you can bring into your workplace and solve a real-world problem with. I spent alot of time agonizing over what language(s) to learn. Originally I settled on Python and spent 2 years worth of evenings learning that language. The problem was, I could never figure out how to bring it into the workplace. I.T. would not let me install Python on my work computer. And even if that did happen, how would I share my Python apps with the rest of the company and who would maintain my apps after I went for another job? Power Apps solved all of these problems for me. It runs in the cloud so I did not need I.T.’s permission to install it. To share apps with others all I needed was to enter their email address. And I could train a co-worker on low-code Power Apps development skills so I had a backup. Learning Python was valuable because it taught me fundamental programming skills. But learning Power Apps was more valuable because I could bring it into the workplace and make a difference. There is a high-demand in the custom software industry for apps and a shortage of developers. To me, what makes Power Platform such a compelling skill to have is that companies have a much easier path to adoption. It was so tough to deploy a Python app but it is comparatively easy it to deploy Power Apps. |
3. Certifications & Experience Needed
Question From John: What would I need to have as certifications and or experience to join a Microsoft partner as a Power Platform Consultant? |
Matt’s Response: I did not have any Microsoft certifications when I got my 1st Power Platform developer job. Once hired I was expected to complete the PL-100 & PL-200. Achieving certification is worthwhile and will make you a more well-rounded developer. But it’s more of a nice to have than a need to have. Job experience is more important than certifications. Obviously, you can look at a job posting and read the qualifications for experience. When doing so, keep in mind that the company is describing their ideal candidate. If you don’t have the number of years experience but you can prove you have the skills, apply to the job. Build a portfolio of your Power Platform work to share with prospective employers. Tell stories about how you used Power Platform to solve a real-world problem and show the benefits it achieved. Having a strong portfolio of work is under-rated. |
4. Gaining Experience Outside Of The Workplace
Question from Robin: How experienced in creating Power Apps where you before quitting your job? Had you you been learning the skills as part of your original job or was your interest completely separate? |
Matt’s Response: I had just over 1 year of Power Apps experience. The 1st time I made an app was in September 2019 and I started my current job as a Power Apps developer in October 2020. During that year I wasn’t just a casual Power Apps maker. I would say I was an obsessive Power Apps maker and forums poster. My interest in Power Apps was mostly separate from my job. As an Accountant, I did not have any app-making responsibilities. I sacrificed my free-time outside of work where I would usually watch TV or play video games. During pandemic lock-downs, I couldn’t visit friends in-person so I spent that time coding. I do not want to re-live that experience but it did provide a unique opportunity for self-improvement. |
5. Premium Connector Skills
Question from Ramesh: Surely Power Platform Developer is not just about developing Canvas Apps. Even the companies while hiring are not only looking for Canvas Apps developer but in Power Automate, Dataverse and Model Driven Apps. Mainly Dataverse and Model Driven Apps are not promoted as much as canvas apps. The greatest content creators like Shane Young, Reza Dorrani and yourself are hardly found with content on Premium connectors (Dataverse and Model Driven Apps here). Example I am a great follower of your blog but don’t see much of content on Dataverse or Model Driven Apps. Its very difficult to switch jobs just on Canvas Apps. I was previously worked as SharePoint Administrator. |
Matt’s Response: You are correct my friend. To be a highly-successful Power Platform developer you must become proficient in Canvas apps, Model-Driven apps and Power Automate. I use all 3 products in almost every project I work on. I do intentionally write content that focuses on non-premium connectors. The reason for it is simple. I want my content to appeal to the widest possible audience. My assumption is the majority of makers do not have access to premium connectors. Lisa Crosbie’s Youtube channel on Model-Driven apps and Dataverse has new content each week . I highly-recommend subscribing to her. She has over 10,000 followers and is showing everyone that it is possible to have a very successful blog focusing on premium features. |
6. Power Up Program Referral Code
Question from Kathy: What is your referral code for the Power Up Program? |
Matt’s Response: My referral code for the Power Up Program is 90568. Clicking on this link will pre-fill the submission form with my referral code. I make no money from referring candidates to the program. However, I am grateful for the opportunity Microsoft gave me to attended the 2022 Power Platform Conference for free. |
7. The Hardest Part About My New Job
Question from Josh: What was the hardest part about making the switch? What was the easiest? What things did you do in advance to prepare? |
Matt’s Response: The hardest part was learning to feel comfortable in front of clients. As a corporate accountant working in the I never had to meet with clients. At the new job I was meeting with clients everyday. I was incredibly nervous about saying the wrong thing. I also worried when I didn’t know the answer to a client’s question immediately. I knew they were paying good money for my advice and I put alot of pressure on myself. Learning to feel comfortable just took time. If you do something everyday, you’ll eventually get more comfortable and accept it. The book Getting Naked is a business fable that explains how being vulnerable can actually be an asset and help you earn clients trust. I recommend new consultants read it. The easiest part of switching has been making new friends at the office. Everyone at my workplace is just so talented, helpful and caring. They look out for one another and are always willing to lend a hand. My only regret is I can’t go for a beer with them after work because we work remote! Once I got the job I did not do anything extra to prepare. I figured I would learn most of technical skills I needed on-the-job. |
8. Remote Work & Compensation
Question from Greg: Are you working remotely? How much do Power Platform developers make with some experience? |
Matt’s Response: Yes, I work 100% remotely. All of my with clients and co-workers are virtual. My office is in the basement of my house. When my wife drives herself to work I like joke that I only have a “10-stair commute.” Consulting-work typically involves travel. When I accepted the job in September 2020 I expected to be away from home 30% of the time. Since then I have done no business travel for 2 reasons. Number one, pandemic restrictions made it difficult to fly. Number two, we’ve shown clients we can execute projects remotely. Not having to pay for travel & hotels saves our clients money. Senior Power Platform developers make high 5-figures to low 6-figures salary in consulting. Those who advance to a Power Platform Solution Architect role get paid even better. The bonuses are pretty good too if you meet the firm’s quarterly billing targets. I like knowing that I can make more money if I perform well. |
9. Exam Preparation
Question from Greg: Do you have any advice for the Power Platform exams? ie. Where to start, what route to take, best revision resources/techniques |
Matt’s Response: Start with the PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals. Complete the learning path on MSLearn.com then sign up to take the test. Many skip the easiest course but I recommend doing it. You’ll have an opportunity to see how Microsoft does testing before attempting a harder exam. Next take the PL-100: App Maker exam and the PL-200: Power Platform Functional Consultant exam. Microsoft Partners expect you to complete these exams once you get the job. The official PL-100 learning path has everything you need to pass the exam. I would recommend getting hands-on experience with Model-Driven apps and Dataverse before doing the PL-200. It was difficult to grasp the security concepts without having done real-world work. This short 10-minute video is an excellent primer on how to approach Power Platform certifications. |
10. Overwhelmed By Amount Of Knowledge
Question from Herbert: I have recently got a job in which I’ll be developing solutions using the Power Platform. I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the amount there is to learn. I have signed up to the new program you mention, do you have any other tips for learning what I need to without feeling overwhelmed and missing out on fundamental knowledge. Thank you |
Matt’s Response: I’m here to tell you the feeling of being overwhelmed by the amount of technical knowledge available never goes away. After 2 years on the job I still feel like there is so much I don’t know. And so much that I want to know! I hope knowing most technology workers feel this way helps you feel better. Talking about it with more experienced co-workers helped me feel better. The Power Platform is too big to know everything and its getting bigger every day. My advice is to choose an area of focus and truly master it. Pick one: canvas apps, model-driven apps, cloud automation, desktop automation, Power BI. Then try to have a general baseline of competency in the other skills. If you are working on a team its important to build relationships with other people who have different skill sets. Invest time in teaching them what you know and helping with their problems. In return, they’ll help you. This is the best to fill gaps in your knowledge. And to make good friends! As a new-consultant I thought I needed to know everything. That’s not true. You just need to be one-step ahead of the client to have something to offer. |
11. Super Cool Developer
Question from Renan: Hi, how can I become a super cool developer like yourself? |
Matt’s Response: Get a cat. Drink coffee. Write lots of code. In all seriousness, if you want to be a super cool developer “find a way to help some one every day”. This is my mantra. Help other developers solve their coding problems. Make apps for non-developers that will actually improve their lives. Share what you know, and don’t expect anything in return. |
12. Is No-Code Just A Fad?
Question from Bogdan: Do you see Power Platform and low-code/no-code as a technology that’s here to stay or a passing trend? What programming language you recommend to learn aside from the Power Platform tools you use? |
Matt’s Response: Low-code is not just a fad. Low code is here to stay. Why do I believe this? In early days of computing, Assembly language was made to simplify machine code language. Then someone said “Assembly language is too tough” and created the BASIC language for students without a strong background in technology and math. Next, the 1st high level language “C” was invented and it was closer to human language than machine code. Then onward to Python, Visual Basic, and Power Apps. OK, I know I skipped a few languages. But the trend easy to spot. Programming is becoming more approachable as each new language is invented. Low-code is here to stay because it solves real-world problems and people don’t need a computer science degree to build useful things. Artificial intelligence assisted coding is next. Github co-pilot watches pro-developers as they type code and makes suggestions to complete it. Power Apps has a feature that can transform natural language into formulas and functions. Before long we’ll be fully making apps with A.I. As for other languages, I recommend learning SQL (Structured Query Language). SQL is used to query databases and get the result. No matter what technology you choose you’ll always encounter databases. It’s useful to know how to extract their knowledge. |
13. What’s Next? UI/UX? Architect? Dev Ops? Back-End?
Question from Alice: In what areas it is worth to improve after being a successful Power platform dev? UI/UX? Architect? DevOps? Custom backend? |
Matt’s Response: I believe the most useful skills to learn after becoming a Power Platform developer are those of a Solution Architect. It is the next rung on the career ladder from Senior Developer. Learning the skills to become a Solution Architect are the most widely-applicable and the most profitable. A Solution Architect gathers the requirements for a new system and envisions the solution. They choose the technologies that will be used to build the solution. Doing so requires a broad knowledge of the Power Platform and how to conduct research. There is always more than one way to design a system. Over time you’ll learn how to make decisions and have better judgement. The architect also communicates the vision to developers and functional consultants. As the architect, you can’t possibly do all of the work. Nor should you try to. So you’ll have to develop management skills and learn to be a leader of other people. If you want to learn more about what a Solution Architect does check out this link. |
14. Electrician Making Power Apps
Question from Kevin: What Power Platform qualifications / skills are employers looking for and how do you get recognition for Power Platform skills? I’m an electrician and I make Power Apps for my workplace. Its not in my job description but its something I love doing and I would like to make it my full-time profession but I don’t know where to start? |
Matt’s Response: I recommend those who want a career in Power Platform start by building apps at their current workplace. Find a problem that needs to be solved and fix it with an app, or an automation. Repeat this as many times as possible. Build up a portfolio of the solutions you’ve made so you can show it off to potential employers. There’s no better way to prove you can do a job than having a strong portfolio. Making apps at your current company also gives you a “back-door” to putting experience on your resume you could not have had otherwise. Every company wants to a hire an experienced Power Apps maker because they are more likely to succeed at the job. Power Platform certifications through Microsoft a good way to get recognition for your Power Platform skills. I suggest you pursue the PL-100: Power Platform App Maker and PL-200: Power Platform Functional Consultant. Another recommendation I have is to try working with a Power Platform job recruiter and ask them directly what companies want on your resume. I attend the Portland User Group is sponsored by a Power Platform job recruiter and he makes a presentation at the start of each virtual meetup. Go attend this meeting and speak to him! |
15. Working For A Company vs. Independent
Question from Kurt: Do you work as a developer for another company or are you independent? If you are working with another company, how has that experience been? I’ve been an independent contractor for over 30 years but I’m at the point where I’m considering finding some full time work |
Matt’s Response: I work in the Power Platform practice at a large consulting firm and I love it. I always feared working at a large consulting firm because of my past experience in accounting. At the big 4 accounting firms you take on a medieval apprenticeship working 55+ hours per weeks for minimal pay. I thought all consulting firms were like that. Then I found my current job. I work 40 hours per week with excellent pay. The work itself is challenging and my day is very self-directed. I have duties on multiple projects at once so it would be impossible to be micromanaged. I choose my schedule, and as long as the work gets done nobody cares when I do it. I never considered the independent contractor route for myself. I’m just not built that way. The former accountant in me is not built to take on risk. I like the relative safety of a full-time job. But I admire those who do what I can’t and go their own way. Good on you for making it 30 years so far as an independent contractor! The good news is, if you decide to make the switch, technology consulting is very self-directed. And you can just do the work while someone else brings in the clients. |
16. Zero To Hero
Question from Zeeshan: I’m Glad for you, It seems and it is that you have struggled a lot to learn all of this. What would you recommend, if someone want to kick off or deep dive into this journey from zero to Hero (Docs, Blogs and Book for Helping Material) for Power Platform developer. |
Matt’s Response: Excellent question. I plan to write an entire blog post on this topic. Here’s some notes I’ve made so far on how to start the journey into Power Platform. 1. Sign up for a free Power Platform Developer Plan with your work or school email. With the Developer Plan you’ll be able to practice Power Apps & Power Automate. It also gives access to premium features that would usually cost money to use. 2. Register for a course. There are many free options available. Microsoft Partners offer a free online App In A Day course where you can learn to build your 1st canvas app, model-driven app and automation. Microsoft also offers a free Introduction to Power Platform course through Udacity you might like. Power Apps 911 has a free hands-on Introduction to Power Platform course as well. If you like the intro course, they also offer live courses with an instructor. Signing up for these classes does cost money but its well worth it. Try and get your employer to pay for them. I am not affiliated with Power Apps 911, I’m just a fan of their work. 3. Power Platform documentation is available on MSLearn.com. If you want to learn Power Apps functions, you’ll enjoy this complete list of Power Apps functions I made for beginners. It categorizes all of the functions by their purpose and links to the official documentation. It’s way easier to navigate than the official website. 4. Read a book. I recently published a free book called 2022 Power Apps Coding Standards For Canvas Apps. In it you’ll find all of my best practices for developing canvas apps. … I have much more to say on the topic of going from zero-to-hero so please stay-tuned for when I write this article! |
17. Finding The Time To Learn Power Platform
Question from Lilana: How many hours do you think I should dedicate to practice and what kind of practice do you consider essential to become a Power Platform Developer? Right now I am a teacher and it is really hard for me to find balance and energy. Do you believe that the Microsoft Learn certification learning path is useful for me now? |
Matt’s Response: Tough question. You’ll progress faster the more hours you can train. But being a teacher is a very demanding job and you need relaxation too! Is there a way you can incorporate Power Apps into your current job to make it easier? Brian Dang is a former teacher who became a Power Apps developer for Microsoft. I think you’ll find Brian’s story both useful and inspiring. Another educator who makes Power Apps is Lauren Taylor. She builds Power Apps to benefit her school. To start, I’d actually recommend doing a beginner Power Apps canvas app tutorial on Youtube, or taking the free Power Platform course on Udacity to get a quick win under your belt. If you can spare a day for training Microsoft has free virtual App In A Day or Dashboard In A Day courses with live instruction. I personally believe it is more useful to make many apps and automations rather than follow a learning path. But if you want to do certifications, start with the PL-900 on MSLearn.com. Then move onto the PL-100 and PL-200. |
18. Engineer To Power Platform Developer
Question from Brian: Hello Matthew, what experience or certification helped you achieve your first position/job as a Power Platform developer? I happen to be in a similar situation as I am looking to leave a six-figure engineering job to achieve a developer position. I went the path of going back to school to get a second bachelor’s degree, but I admit I’m not sure if it was worth it. |
Matt’s Response: The most important way to convince an employer that you can do the job is building your portfolio. Find real-world problems and solve them using Power Platform. Even better, try to implement them at your current work-place. Quantify the time-savings gained or the return-on-investment earned. Document the technical challenges you faced building the apps and why you made certain design decisions. I didn’t have many opportunities at work to make apps. Helping people solve problems on the Power Apps forums and my personal website became my portfolio, even if I didn’t realize it was at the time. Did you get a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science? If yes, that’s definitely worth something. Many people get their first coding job by gaining experience at school. I would have done it that way if I had the option. |
19. No Coding Knowledge, Can I Do It?
Question from Nai: I don’t have any technical or professional IT Degree or not CODING KNOWLEDGE, Even I could do it, how ? |
Matt’s Response: I have heard many stories of non-technical people who were able to switch their career with Power Platform. Samit Saini’s story is my favorite. He worked as a security guard at London’s Heathrow airport. Samit noticed were many paper forms being used at Heathrow and create a Power Apps to replace them. Now Samit is no longer a security guard. He works on Heathrow’s digital transformation team and leads a community of other makers. You can learn Power Platform. Find a real-world problem, and try to solve it by building an app or an automation. That’s the first step! |
20. UX Matters
Question from Swami: I’ve been working with PowerApps from 2 years and I’m also a UX designer. My questions are: 1. When I see the PowerApps, then I always saw them from UX designer’s perspective but some apps looks so classy (from 90’s) old designs and not user friendly but still user/client likes them. In PowerApps, does functionality matter more than UX or does it depends on how much time is there for development? 2. Among all of power platform tools available, As a developer, How many tools knowledge do we need to have? PowerApps and Automate are in my bucket list, Is this enough or Do I need to have one more tool in my list? |
Matt’s Response: 1. Both UX and functionality are important in Power Apps. Functionality is definitely most important to the business. If an app improves a business process and saves the company time & money it will have achieved their goal. Users will accept the app, because, well, they don’t have a choice. But as designers we know that’s not good enough. We still should try to make the best user experience possible. UX Matters. 2. Power Apps and Power Automate cloud flows are enough to get a job. I would recommend learning both Power Apps Canvas Apps and Model-Driven apps. Dataverse knowledge also helps! |
21. Power Apps + Power BI
Question from Donatello: I like so much app development but also Data Analytics, can I become a mix of both? I mean can someone be both things at the same time or do I need total dedication to Power Apps? P.D.: I already know how to develop reports in Power BI and to develop Power Apps. |
Matt’s Response: The majority of Power Platform jobs I see fall into two categories: (1) Power Apps + Power Automate developer (2) Power BI Developer. But here’s the thing. Once you get hired at a company, and they know your skillset, you will be utilized according to what you know. I started by learning Power BI back in 2016. Then in 2020 I started making Power Apps. My primary focus continues to be Power Apps, but I still make dashboards for my clients because I know how to do it! The good news, I don’t think you need to choose. It’s like Microsoft says, “the Power Platform works better together!” |
22. Power Up Program Start Date
Question from Paul: When will the Power Up Program start? |
Matt’s Response: What I heard was the Power Up program is already accepting candidates. At first they will only take small batches of people who do not have any technical background. Microsoft’s idea is to hold a trial of the program and make any necessary adjustments before launching it to the general public. My advice is to sign up now and hope you become selected. I am not an employee of Microsoft and have no influence over the admissions process. |
23. Applying For Jobs Out-Of-Country
Question from Emil: I started working as a Power Platform Dev about 3 years ago, prior to that, I’ve been a tester for the Power Platform solutions created by my teammates for about a year, year and a half. I live and work in Poland for a global corporation but I would like to find a job abroad since here in Poland, Power Platform is not very popular and there are very few projects that I can work on. So my questions are: Which countries should I consider when trying to search for a job as a Power Platform Dev so that I could grow and learn? Any advice on how to go about that process? i never really looked for a job abroad.. |
Matt’s Response: Sorry, but I do not have the experience needed to advise you on this question. All my life I have lived and worked in Canada. |
24. Learning Paths
Question from Amy: I want to know if there is a particular path or order of learning you recommend for Power Platform. Is it PL-100 then PL-200 or more YouTube channels specific? |
Matt’s Response: I would start by doing a Power Apps canvas app beginner tutorial on Youtube. Lisa Crosbie has an excellent beginner tutorial. It’s nice to make something simple and get a quick win before diving into certifications. The first certification you will want to look at is the PL-900: Power Platform Fundamentals. Then go onto the PL-100 and PL-200 in that order. |
25. Got My First Power Apps Job
Question from Sapna: Hi Matthew, I just started my career in PowerApps, I was in banking before this. I learned power apps during pandemic and got a job in PowerApps I have been working on Canvas apps and Automation but now I want to learn something that will improve my skills and help me in my career path. Can you please suggest something for me? I been learning a bit of Power BI. |
Matt’s Response: My favorite Power Query book is M Is For Data Monkey by Ken Puls and Miguel Escobar. Power Query is the data transformation tool behind Power BI. What I like about the book is its a series of 20+ tutorials that each can be done in half an hour and you learn something useful each time. A bit of an old-fashioned way of learning, but good. You should also check out Guy In A Cube on Youtube. Its an amazing Power BI Youtube channel and has covered virtually every topic. |
26. Recommended Learning Materials
Question from Adebayo: How do I start with Power platforms from the beginning to the end and get employed as soon as possible. I mean what materials will you recommend? |
Matt’s Response: Here’s a mega list of a Power Apps learning resources you’ll want to bookmark. Go to MSLearn.com and start with the course PL-900: Power Platform Fundamentals. Then advance to the PL-100 & PL-200. Build as many apps as you can along the way. Build apps to benefit the company you are currently working for and add them to your portfolio for prospective employers. |
27. Getting Work Judged
Question from Dave: Hi, my Power Apps development has improved over this past year but how do I know I have the skills to be a professional developer? Can you get your work judged? |
Matt’s Response: How to get your work judged is a good question. A tough one, that I don’t necessarily know the answer to. What I would try is going to the next Power Platform User Group virtual meeting. Every session I’ve been to is has been sponsored by a Power Platform jobs recruiter. I’d ask him to help vet your resume and see what opportunities are out there. I’ve had great luck with recruiters in the past. They helped me find my last 2 accounting jobs. |
28. Job Application
Question from Lanvic: How can I be successful with the job application for a Power Platform Developer? I believe it isn’t easy to get it. |
Matt’s Response: Use Power Platform to solve real-problems at your current job. Explain on your resume what you built and what time-cost savings were achieved. Take certifications on MS-Learn: PL-900, PL-100 & PL-200. Above all, build many apps and create a strong portfolio to show to prospective employers. |
29. Getting Work Judged
Question from Roh: I am Roh. Very New to the Power platform but have been in the D365 space and tech for 10 years as a technical Analyst/Delivery Manager. However, I am not a proper coder/Dev, ie don’t write or push code actively- just high-level conceptual understanding. I see many people from Non-IT backgrounds (like yourself) in the Power Platform and MSD365 apace. however, a lot are also engineers with sound dev knowledge as well as experience. So I wanted to understand how much actual development is done or required or helpful to be in the Power Platform space? People with existing developer knowledge and/or experience would find it easy to transfer in, but for others, it will be a fairly new skill and an additional (and steep) learning curve, considering that knowing a programming language and writing running code in it are two very different things. The latter takes a lot of time and effort to actually master. I look at MVP and Power platform profiles, community forums, and responses and get daunted that it gets (or sounds) quite technical and that without a proper technical background (ie code related) to support it, everything will become restricted. Although MS says it is low-code or no code – how much actual code needs to be written or built, and what knowledge would be the most helpful/relevant? How do non-coders approach and upskill themselves with something that’s more relevant to the power platform? what are the best resources, mentors etc, that could guide “green toads” like me? |
Matt’s Response: No previous coding experience is required with the Power Platform. I have heard many stories of non-technical people who were able to switch their career with Power Platform. Samit Saini’s story is my favorite. He worked as a security guard at London’s Heathrow airport. Samit noticed were many paper forms being used at Heathrow and create a Power Apps to replace them. Now Samit is no longer a security guard. He works on Heathrow’s digital transformation team and leads a community of other makers. Some Youtubers I would recommend are Shane Young (Power Apps), Reza Dorrani (Power Apps & Power Automate), Lisa Crosbie (Model-Driven Apps) and Guy In A Cube (Power BI). |
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