Remove Duplicates From Power Automate Array Formula

You can remove the duplicates from a Power Automate array in two easy steps: add a Compose action and insert a Union function. The Union function combines two arrays together and returns only unique items.
Example #1: Remove Duplicate Emails From An Array
This Power Automate code shows how to remove the duplicate emails from an array.

EmailsArray variable:
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
Union function code:

Example #2: Remove The Duplicate User Records From An Array
This Power Automate code shows how to remove the duplicate user records from an array.

UserArray variable:
{"ID": 1, "Email": "[email protected]"},
{"ID": 2, "Email": "[email protected]"},
{"ID": 1, "Email": "[email protected]"},
{"ID": 3, "Email": "[email protected]"},
{"ID": 4, "Email": "[email protected]"},
{"ID": 2, "Email": "[email protected]"}
Union function code:

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I love the union way – but sometimes we just want to combine 2 arrays or so. I’ve find out a way how to combine 2 arrays without removing duplicates =
Thank you for sharing. The purpose of this article is to show how to get the unique values from an array column OR the unique rows. When your goal is to combine two or more arrays you would not want to use Union() since it removes the duplicates. It behaves similar to a SQL Union operation.
I have an array with members in a M365 Group, UPN and officeLocation. Now I want to remove duplicates in the officeLocation column so that I one get one employee from each officeLocation. How can I do that?