Why I Started A Buy Me A Cat Treat Page For My Website ❤️

Hello folks. Matthew Devaney here. 👋
I’m the guy who blogs about Power Apps every week and is slightly obsessed with cats. 🐈
I wanted you to know that I’ve created a Buy Me A Coffee page. Except, in my case, it’s Buy Me A Cat Treat. In just a few clicks, you can go there and make a donation to support the site 🍬
All of the 150+ Power Apps tutorials on my website are FREE for everyone to enjoy. You’ve been to MatthewDevaney.com before, right? It’s full of awesome content with absolutely no-ads. 🐱 💻
I don’t have ads on my site because I believe in delivering the best learning experience possible. This website is paid for out of my own pocket. If you’ve found value in the free resources I’ve created, I’d love to have your support. 😊
Buying me a “cat treat” is a great way to say “thank you” for the help I’ve provided 😻
I will use your contributions to pay for:
- Website hosting 🌎
- Audio/video equipment for future projects 📸
- Toys for my tabby cat named “Tiggy 🐱
can you post a venmo/cash app handle or qr code…yes, I’m that lazy 🙂
B R,
I’ve only got a Buy Me A Coffee account at this time. It does allow you to use Google Pay. But unfortunately it doesn’t support those apps you mentioned.
You might be wondering… why don’t I have Cash app or Venmo? The Canadian banking system actually allows free cash e-transfers by email or mobile number. It’s like having those apps for free and you can send money to anyone!
Anyways, I appreciate the gesture. Take care B R and I’ll send you a new blog come Monday 🙂
Happy to help. I find your site to be an excellent source of information and look forward to your weekly emails. Also, love the cats!
Ken Warthen
Thank you so much. I appreciate the ‘cat treats’ 😸
Please, for sharing so many good ideas and instructions, you shouldn’t have to explain.
It’s good to offer a way for people to give back.
Thank you for saying that. I just wanted folks to know what a ‘cat treat’ was and where to find the page. I appreciate your support 😻